Monday, September 20, 2010

The Five Most Influential People on American History

I think the five most influential people on American history are John Locke, Thomas Edison, Thomas Jefferson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Theodore Roosevelt. I picked John Locke because of his influence on the founding fathers which in turn led to him influenceing the constitution and Declaration of Independence. Thomas Edison, as most people know, invented the lightbulb which resulted in a huge change in length of work days and many other improtant cultural changes. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence which inspired the American colonists into battle which resulted in our freedom and later helped write the Constitution. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin which was a book against slavery and it resulted in many Yankees joining the fight against slavery and then joining the Civil War which ended slavery. Theodore Roosevelt is one of my favorite Amercians in history, he was the president who created National Parks like the Grand Canyon, led the Americans to build the Panama Canal, broke up large business monopolies, and passed laws on food quality.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

AP Physics

The college board website is always a great place to start when you're thinking about taking an exam. Today I found on it the equations lists for both Physic B and C so here it is

AP US History

This is an amazing link for any one taking US History. This link gives you a summary for each chapter of the AP American Pageant Book (if it's not the exact same text book as yours don't worry about it all the AP US History books I've looked at are basically the same.) Enjoy :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

AP Exams

This blog is for anyone taking any AP Exams if you took any before please post any help you can give if this is you're first you can search for information, enjoy. :)
If you aren't sure whether you want to take it or not I strongly suggest you do just try it. The number one predictor of how well you'll do in college whether or not you take AP classes and they don't count against you if you get a B because they're graded on a weighted scale (instead of getting a 4.0 you could gradutate with a 5.0.)
If you have taken an AP exam I found a great video on youtube it's called Miley Cyrus' 7 Things (AP Exams Parody).